Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Stand Up to Sexting

This is my latest book. Heather Boynton and I co-authored this to help parents and kids open a conversation to navigate the possible pitfalls of social media. It's a great conversation starter with lots of example that kids will be able to relate to. 

If kids get involved in sexting, it can lead to:

  • Anxiety and depression.
  • It has become the new cyberbullying.
  • It can begin with kids as young as twelve.
  • Sexting messages and photos are not uncommon among middle school youth.
  • Sexting has been linked to impulsive, risk-taking behavior.
Keep your kids healthy and happy. Keep your family conversations open.

For more helps, read these new blog posts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think this is an awesome subject to tackle. It is sad that it is needed but it is. Thanks, also for the links. I will want my children to look into this one. Thanks for writing this one dear friend. I have loved your books.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!
