Thursday, January 22, 2015

Making a Difference in the World

Each morning the first thing I do when I arise is ask God to help me make a difference in someone's life for the day. Because I have made this commitment to myself, I'm always looking for things I can do for others.

·         Complement those you come in contact with.
·         Tell the presenter or your teacher or your boss you enjoyed their presentation.
·         Read or play a game with a child.
·         Listen to a friend.
·         Put a positive message on your social media.
·         Help in your community. Tell the grocer you like the display. Thank the pharmacist for quick service.

Create a list that works for you. Most of these things take less than five minutes, and unexpected benefit of this come back to you an hundred fold.

·         If I smile at someone they smile back, making my day happier.

·         When I give a complement, seeing the delight on the person's face gives me joy.
·         I smile at the thank you that comes when I tell someone 'good job.'
·         Spending time with a child fills my soul with love. There is nothing more rewarding than adding light to a child's life.

·         When I listen to a friend, my life is enriched as I see their strength in struggling through difficulty.
·         My positive social media messages bring retweets on twitter and views to my blog. Maybe someone has connected with my words.
In short, the benefit of the positive energy I give to the world enriches my life a lot more than it does others. It's a great way to live.
What happens when I fall off the wagon and get upset? I:
·         Take a deep breath.
·         Tell myself it's okay.
·         Look at the positive energy I've put into my life that wouldn't otherwise be there.
·         Give myself an attitude adjustment.
·         Smile and start over.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Twisted New Year's Resolutions

Many of us set goals at the beginning of the year, only to forget them before the month of January is gone. Most of our goals center around bettering ourselves. We want to lose some weight, read more books, cook healthier foods, grow our business, etc. 

Would we be more consistent in keeping goals if they were centered on relationships? What would happen if we twisted our goals so that we focused on others and not ourselves?
The joy that comes from being with others could motivate us to persist in keeping our goals. And when we find happiness in others, we make ourselves better.

Twisted Goals:
*To lose weight, find a friend to walk with several times a week, or take a partner to the gym during your lunch hour.
*To read more books, start a neighborhood book club. Ask people to join who would like more interaction with others—like your workaholic neighbor or a shut-in who is lonely.
*To cook healthier foods, make a new dish to share with an unsuspecting friend.
*To grow your business, focus on the helping aspect of your service and work to enrich the lives of others.

Why will this method work? Each goal includes a relationship. We are much more likely to succeed if we involve others in our actions. We benefit and so do our friends.