Saturday, December 21, 2019

Tips to Minimize Holiday Stress

1.     Spend a few minutes each morning before you begin your day in a manner of gratitude and thanksgiving. You might do this in the form of
a.     Meditation
b.     Sketching—art journals are great.
c.     Keeping a journal
d.     Making a list that fits with the day’s activities.
e.     Giving thanks to your higher power.

2.     Make a priority list for the day. Jot things down in the order of importance. If you don’t get through the whole list, finish it tomorrow.

3.     Remember: you are making memories for those around you. What kind of recollections to you want to create?

4.     I love giving experience gifts—it greatly reduces my shopping trips:
a.     Symphony tickets
b.     Museum passes
c.     Theater or movie gifts
d.     Activity evenings such as bowling with the kids or a golf date.
e.     You get the idea.

5.     Make a planning list, and begin shopping today. Look for bargains now and have your shopping done ahead of time.

6.     Give gifts of service to those around you.
a.     Family coupon books for each member of the family.
b.     Give Christmas to a poor inner-city family.
c.     Rake the leaves from a neighbor’s yard.
d.     Take cookies to a rehab center or a care facility.

Make the holiday enjoyable for everyone. Don’t run faster than you have strength. Choose to order your life with things that really matter.

You’ll have a great holiday if you remember that: 

People are more important than things.