Saturday, November 14, 2020

Fleeting Encocunters

I have a dear friend that has just compiled a new book. It's called Fleeting Encounters. She has collected stories from loved ones, including me, that will brighten your life as we continue to social distance from others. This is just what we all need to remember that our connections matter--even though they are brief.

It will brighten your life.

This collection of heartwarming stories shows how a brief encounter with a stranger can brighten someone’s day or even change their life. The encounters might be fleeting, but each leave behind a message of hope that will not soon fade away. 

Here are additional links, including Amazon to purchase the book.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Stand Up to Sexting

This is my latest book. Heather Boynton and I co-authored this to help parents and kids open a conversation to navigate the possible pitfalls of social media. It's a great conversation starter with lots of example that kids will be able to relate to. 

If kids get involved in sexting, it can lead to:

  • Anxiety and depression.
  • It has become the new cyberbullying.
  • It can begin with kids as young as twelve.
  • Sexting messages and photos are not uncommon among middle school youth.
  • Sexting has been linked to impulsive, risk-taking behavior.
Keep your kids healthy and happy. Keep your family conversations open.

For more helps, read these new blog posts.