Friday, March 21, 2014

We Are Strong by Fay Klinger

Fay Klinger is a dear friend and a wonderful writer. Her new book We Are Strong leads mothers and daughters through the Young Women values with specific help for teaching strong LDS ideals. The award winning author has hit a home run again. 
Here is just one of many endorsements.
“I began reading We Are Strong! amidst a heavy personal trial in my life, and yet after reading only a few short pages, I had the desire to get on my knees and thank Heavenly Father for every small blessing in my life.
“I love how Fay uses multiple true stories and examples to teach valuable principles. These stories carry the book and entice you to read yet one more page because you can relate.
  “Bravo to Fay for tackling the topics that are easy for Moms to forget, but are of utmost importance. Her detail and straightforwardness is helpful and motivating.
“I am reminded of what an honor it is to be a woman. I have never thought so deeply about my personal commitment as an adult woman to each of the YW values. There is work to be done and I have signed my name to do it.
“I feel uplifted and encouraged. We live at a time when despair is too common. While reading Fay’s book, I have been filled with hope and determination. I can do something. I will start within the walls of my own home and work outward.”
—Lorene Elder, Stake Young Women President

This delightful children's book exemplifies the strength of women in families. This grandmother and granddaughter learn valuable lessons from each other, signifying the importance of each of us in our families. Thanks Fay, for this beautiful message.

Luisa May, known to her family and friends as Lu, loves to play games with her Grandma. When she’s bullied at school, Grandma has a special puzzle for Lu to help her see how valuable she is—no matter what others say, or how much doubt she feels within herself. Soon after, Grandma has to go to the hospital, and Lu finds out Grandma needs help recovering. Then it’s Lu’s turn to help Grandma see how valuable she is—no matter how much doubt she feels within herself. It’s a beautiful parallel for young and old alike, as each age learns from the other.
Written and illustrated with loving hands, this delightful children’s story offers a heartfelt message that unites and bonds generations. From the award-winning pen of Fay A. Klingler, I Am Strong! I Am Smart! provides to women of all ages a reminder of the tremendous gift of “girl power.”

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